Friday, February 9, 2007

1. Listen to your internal dialog.

2. Visualize a positive out come.

3. It's not all your fault.

4. Do you believe in your message, do you have something to say?

5. Look at your audience as an extension of your family.

6. Prepare a good introduction and conclusion. Open with impact, close with direction.

7. Be Natural.

8. Tape Yourself.

9. The audience want speakers who are believable, dynamic, comfortable, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, uses humor.

10. A good speaker leaves the audience hungry for more. Stimulate them to action.

11. Over dress.

12. Read your audience's reaction. Learn to dance with them. You lead, they will follow.

13. Ask for angled or curved seating, so the audience can see each other's reactions.

14. Your audience will best remember the first and last things you discuss, plus those which are outstanding, relevant, and repeated.

15. FOR A SHORT SPEECH: Identify your topic. Writethe conclusion you want to reach. Write your attention getting opening.

Choose 3 key points you want to make. Find or create a story or illustration that proves each point. Add linkage to bridge the gap between (transitions).

If I can do it, so can you. With 20 years of experience under mybelt, I put together a very special report for you; "Public Speaking Made Easy". There are four simple steps, and great solutionson dealing with the fear of speaking.

Complete details are at; Thompson, Writer, Speaker, Profiler also provides; coaching,classes, workshops, speech writing, articles, columns. ContactKathy at;


My DigiDiary said...

Nice suggestions for Public Speakers. They are extremely useful for teachers also, who must speak with audience involvement and greater fetched attention.

Unknown said...

Spend time putting your speech together so that it flows logically and is made more vibrant with stories, examples, and props, such as images. For inspiration, try watching other great, yet relatable, speakers on video.
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